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Entreprenuer life

Entreprenuer life

Being a entrepreneur i am going to share you what types of problem you can bear in your life.

Can i tell you one funniest thing??

I did not know that what is entrepreneur but since about 15 years of age , i wanted to do something different and being alone in the lockdown when  Our P.M announced #localtoglobal , I finally decided to create a website that changed my life and i finally found my ikigai.

Previously I talked in the above line about lonely(I believe that you can find yourself in the lonely because when you live alone there are many thoughts comes in your mind  and in the meanwhile you can decide what can you do in this digital world.Now a days every thing easy to find in the google and youtube.

Being an entrepreneur, I am feeling too much difficulties in my life but i believe myself that i will be a successful entrepreneur in this digital world.

I will continue to share my journey if you are interested in my blog if you read this blog please like and comment sothat i can continue to write it.

Thank you so much for reading my first blog.




Shubham nathani - October 29, 2021

Thanks for suggesting me Its really good for me !

Sneha - April 29, 2021

I was reading your blog and find some minor grammatical errors. Like you wrote an entrepreneur instead of “an entrepreneur” and some other more. I would have like to correct you by personally mailing but I couldn’t find any official Gmail on this site. You can download Grammarly from the play store and try to write with it. It’s great you find your ikigai amidst the Choas we live in. Many global giants start with selling books like Amazon and Flipkart. Since you are on your entrepreneur journey it reminds me of a book named #Girl Boss. Why this book? Because she started young and from zero. To decode what I mean you read this book. I love the graphic design of this site as well.

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