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Mumblings from the depth

Mumblings from the depth

"Dreams are free, they said us,
We believed it word for word,
We lived our dream at a point,
Then they came and asked our life,
Why? We probed,
The price they claimed."
Did you like it?
--A piece from MUMBLINGS FROM THE DEPTH by Jithu Biji Thomas.
This is the book containing intersting and meaningful short stories. Among which some are real while others seem to be. 
It was a fabulous experience to read different different stories of different genres with different lessons.
The reading gives more pleausre when you do it while traveling. Haha! If you've not tried, then you must.
The poetry in the beginning of every chapter has added more worth for the appreciation of #author and the #book as well.
Due to short stories, this book can be finished in a single read within an hour even by the beginners also.
Also, I liked the vocabulary used in it.
*Recommended for beginners.
I wish the Author the best of his luck for his future life and the writings as well :)
Happy reading to all those who are going read this :)
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