I'M ok, you are ok
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Rs. 299.00
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Rs. 189.00
Overview of I'm Ok, You're Ok Book
This practical guide to Transactional Analysis is a unique approach to solving your problems. Hundreds of thousands of people have found this phenomenal breakthrough in psychotherapy a turning point in their lives. In sensible non-technical language, one of the world's best psychiatrists, Thomas A Harris, explains how to gain control of yourself, your relationships and your future - no matter what happened in the past. This is the self-help book that will really change your life - for good.
Book Type :
Social Sciences
Book Binding :
Language :
Number of Pages :
288 pages
ISBN - 10 :
I'm Ok, You're Ok Published On :
4 May 1995
Textbooks, Social Sciences Books for Students, Teachers, Graudates, Professionals and all others