The Story of My Experiments with Truth - Autobiography by Gandhi M.K.
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About The BookMy Experiments With Truth is a stunning autobiographical novel that documents the life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, aka Father of the Nation. This book covers Gandhi's life from his early childhood until 1921. From the very first page, Gandhi acknowledges that he isn't a perfect human being, demonstrating his thorough humility. He pours out his personal experiences to the readers without mincing words.Gandhi mentions his numerous experiments, starting from his elocution training to putting an end to his fear and shyness towards public speaking. His instances of attending singing classes and shaking a leg on the dance floor are well-described. He was a staunch vegetarian, fasted regularly and walked 10 miles daily. He studied comparative religion greatly and was a devote Hindu, but showed great respect for all religions. Gandhi didn't shy away from accepting his own mistakes and displayed commendable patience and fortitude in his personal life.Gandhi's views on non-violence may have seemed strange during those times, but its effectiveness can't be denied. Through the course of this book, Gandhi delves on a number of topics, which include truth, failure, God, hope, faith, morality and success. While many individuals have portrayed Gandhi based on historical facts presented in textbooks, they fail to comprehend his character. in his book, Gandhi guides the readers into solving problems in real life. This paperback edition of My Experiments With Truth was published by Penguin India, on 6th February, 2013.Key Features This book was ranked among the 100 Best Spiritual Books of the 20th Century.